The basketball the my favorite game, this game is popular in the world,because the most of the boys is play but not only the boys but girl is also play this game.
being a player you must be good relation ship with your team mates and you have a knowledge how to play this ,you know what is the rules and regulations of this game.
If play this game you must physically fit, mentally stable,strong feeling,sports man ship,
One of the popular in this game is most of NBA players..!!!
But me my idol is KOBI BRYANT because he is a one of the good players in this game,an he is a popular in the world,because he is a MVP last championship game on June 2010,in battle of LAKERS Vs CELTICS and the team of KOBI is LAKERS the popular team in NBA.
When i was in Elementary grade 1 to 4 i have knoweledge how to play this game, when iwas in grade 5 i stared to play this game, I develop my playing in High school but I'm not totally good Because I cant understand the other rule in that game.
I totally understand and know how to play in college because me is one of the Payers in my Barangay, To Participate The Liga ng Manga Barangay In CUARTERO, Before the actual starting of the the game the players is have a seminar conducted by the Referee and the committee, it discus the Rules and regulation..
Until such now i really love this game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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